Americas Army 2:How to access game textures

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By: pornoWMV


Since there used to be some questions about getting the build in textures of America's Army, I'm going to show you the way to go :-P

Getting the texture's name

At first we need to know, how the textures are called. Therefore start the AA Mission Editor which should be installed if you have the game installed.

At the AA Mission Editor, you have got to start the texture browser

Next chose your desired category... Just click through the different object you will find out...

If you found your desired texture, rightclick on it and press properties.

The name which is underlined red is the name of your texture!

Step 2:' Using it in C++

Now that we know how the texture is named, we can use it in our bot.

#define myTexture     (UTexture*)UTexture::StaticLoadObject( UTexture::StaticClass(), NULL, TEXT("TheNameOfMyTexture"), NULL, LOAD_NoFail, NULL )

It is important that you enter the fullname. For the example in the picture it would be...

#define myCrosshair     (UTexture*)UTexture::StaticLoadObject( UTexture::StaticClass(), NULL, TEXT("T_AAO_UI.HUD.T_UI_HUD_CROWS_CROSSHAIR"), NULL, LOAD_NoFail, NULL )

Since your texture is defined now, you can draw it with the functions given in the canvas class like DrawIcon for example... Otherwise you can just load the object during the call to the canvas function. Defining it is optional.

Source: Here