Americas Army 2:Code Snippets

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By: smaller


There are a lot of nice pieces of code over at MPC forums which are very nice for people new to AA coding, but since links are not allowed, i thought it would be helpful if i post some here. this is the stuff i havent seen in the C++tutorials here


WALLHACK: (credits to tamimego)

define the bool (can be toggled with a menu)

bool bWallHack = true; 

check if the target is valid

bool ValidTarget (APawn* Target)
    return    (Target != NULL) 
            && (Target != pController->Pawn) 
            && (!Target->bHidden) 
            && (!Target->bDeleteMe) 
            && (Target->Health > 0) 
            && (Target->Level == pController->Pawn->Level);


void WallHack (UCanvas* Canvas, APawn* Target)
if (bWallHack)
Canvas->DrawActor(Target, 0, 1, pController->FovAngle);
Target->bHidden = 0;


call it in your postrender/render

void PostRender (class UCanvas * Canvas)
if ((Canvas != NULL) && (Canvas->Viewport != NULL) && (Canvas->Viewport->Actor != NULL) 
    &&  (Canvas->Viewport->Actor->PlayerReplicationInfo != NULL) && (Canvas->Viewport->Actor->XLevel != NULL))
        pController = Canvas->Viewport->Actor;

        if (pController->Pawn != NULL) 
    for (TObjectIterator<APawn> Target; Target; ++Target)
        APawn* pTarget= *Target;

        if (ValidTarget(pTarget))    



//moar stuffs...


in the above code, replace

Canvas->DrawActor(Target, 0, 1, pController->FovAngle);


Canvas->DrawActor(Target, 1, 1, pController->FovAngle);

SNIPER ZOOM: (credits to fragger)

bool inline IsGoodWeapon(void) 
    if(pController->Pawn == NULL || pController->Pawn->Weapon == NULL ||  pController->Pawn->Weapon->AmmoType == NULL || pController->Pawn->Weapon->AmmoType->MaxAmmo < 1)
        return 0;
        return 1;

in your postrender/render:

if (MyWeapon->_Scope != NULL)
            ABaseScope* MyWeaponsScope = MyWeapon->_Scope;
            MyWeaponsScope->aZoomFOV(0) = 7.083;    

CROSSHAIR: (credits to google22)

void DrawCrossHair (UCanvas* Canvas)
UTexture* CrossHair = (UTexture*)UTexture::StaticLoadObject(UTexture::StaticClass(),NULL,TEXT("Engine.WhiteSquareTexture"),NULL,LOAD_NoFail,NULL);

in your postrender/render


AUTORELOAD & FIXJAM: (credits to temp2)

in your postrender:

if (MyPlayerController->Pawn->Weapon != NULL  
&&  MyPlayerController->Pawn->Weapon->bIsJammed == true 
    UFunction* pFunc = MyPlayerController->FindFunction(FName(TEXT("FixJam")),FNAME_Find); 
    if ( pFunc != NULL ) 
        MyPlayerController->ProcessEvent(pFunc, NULL, NULL); 
if (MyPlayerController->Pawn->Weapon != NULL  
    INT bReload = false; 
    AAGP_Weapon* MyWeapon = Cast<AAGP_Weapon>(MyPlayerController->Pawn->Weapon); 

    if (MyWeapon->eROF == MyWeapon->AuxROF) 
        // In Aux mode 
        if (MyWeapon->AuxAmmoType != NULL  
        && MyWeapon->AuxAmmoType->AmmoAmount == 0) 
for(INT i=0; i < 16; i++ ) 
    if (MyWeapon->_AuxAmmoClips[i] > 0) 
        bReload = true; 

        // In Normal mode 
        if (MyWeapon->AmmoType != NULL 
        && MyWeapon->AmmoType->AmmoAmount == 0) 
for(INT i=0; i < 16; i++ ) 
    if (MyWeapon->_AmmoClips[i] > 0) 
        bReload = true; 
    if (bReload == true) 
        //    Weapon.Reload(); 
        UFunction* pFunc = MyPlayerController->FindFunction(FName(TEXT("Reload")),FNAME_Find); 
        if ( pFunc != NULL ) 
MyPlayerController->ProcessEvent(pFunc, NULL, NULL); 

NO FOG: (credits to humm3r)

void inline RemoveFog ()
for (TObjectIterator<AZoneInfo> Target; Target; ++Target)
AZoneInfo* ZI = *Target;
ZI->bClearToFogColor = false;
ZI->bDistanceFog = false;

in postrender:


Source: Here