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  • [HELP]Special Force Thai [HELP]Special Force Thai
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    [HELP]Special Force Thai
    Old 25th February 2011, 10:27 AM   #1

    devgames's Avatar

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    [HELP]Special Force Thai

    Hi, I'm typing Thai Foreign offline I is not good that I want.
    GG's on the Pro Wallhack Special Force Thai offline.
    Someone help me I pretend I'm the one offline to resolve the Code through
    GG of the game Special Force Thai me I offline.

    I'm not good at foreign languages, type the GooGle translate Nakhon.

    #include <windows.h>
    #include <d3d9.h>
    #pragma comment(lib, "d3d9.lib")
    #include <d3dx9.h>
    #pragma comment(lib, "d3dx9.lib")
    float ScreenCenterX = 0.0f;
    float ScreenCenterY = 0.0f;
    bool Xhair;
    bool Chams;
    int texnum;
    int m_Stride;
    LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 Red,Yellow,Green,Blue,Purple,Pink,Orange,Black,White;
    D3DCOLOR colRed = D3DCOLOR_XRGB(255, 0, 0);
    D3DVIEWPORT9 g_ViewPort;
    #define ForceRecon (NumVertices == 83 && PrimitiveCount == 137 || NumVertices == 79 && PrimitiveCount == 105 || NumVertices == 142 && PrimitiveCount == 174 || NumVertices == 278 && PrimitiveCount == 462 || NumVertices == 263 && PrimitiveCount == 290 || NumVertices == 316 && PrimitiveCount == 556)
    #define ForceReconAddons (NumVertices == 432 && PrimitiveCount == 354 || NumVertices == 144 && PrimitiveCount == 136 || NumVertices == 299 && PrimitiveCount == 311 || NumVertices == 167 && PrimitiveCount == 252 || NumVertices == 298 && PrimitiveCount == 506 || NumVertices == 168 && PrimitiveCount == 254 || NumVertices == 860 && NumVertices == 778 || NumVertices == 648 && PrimitiveCount == 710 || NumVertices == 113 && PrimitiveCount == 189 || NumVertices == 142 && PrimitiveCount == 172 || NumVertices == 87 && PrimitiveCount == 90 || NumVertices == 79 && PrimitiveCount == 105 || NumVertices == 84 && PrimitiveCount == 110 || NumVertices == 70 && PrimitiveCount == 70 || NumVertices == 860 && PrimitiveCount == 778 || NumVertices == 85 && PrimitiveCount == 137)
    #define Mulan (NumVertices == 118 && PrimitiveCount == 126|| NumVertices == 121 && PrimitiveCount == 180|| NumVertices == 124 && PrimitiveCount == 126|| NumVertices == 295 && PrimitiveCount == 482|| NumVertices == 299 && PrimitiveCount == 452|| NumVertices == 474 && PrimitiveCount == 728)
    #define MulanAddons (NumVertices == 162 && PrimitiveCount == 200|| NumVertices == 120 && PrimitiveCount == 188|| NumVertices == 167 && PrimitiveCount == 276|| NumVertices == 108 && PrimitiveCount == 198|| NumVertices == 512 && PrimitiveCount == 728|| NumVertices == 790 && PrimitiveCount == 881|| NumVertices == 619 && PrimitiveCount == 800|| NumVertices == 399 && PrimitiveCount == 532|| NumVertices == 402 && PrimitiveCount == 580|| NumVertices == 102 && PrimitiveCount == 170|| NumVertices == 125 && PrimitiveCount == 98|| NumVertices == 116 && PrimitiveCount == 128|| NumVertices == 160 && PrimitiveCount == 174) 
    typedef HRESULT (WINAPI* EndScene_Prototype) (LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9);
    CreateDevice_Prototype CreateDevice_Pointer = NULL;
    Reset_Prototype Reset_Pointer = NULL;
    EndScene_Prototype EndScene_Pointer = NULL;
    DrawIndexedPrimitive_Prototype DrawIndexedPrimitive_Pointer = NULL;
    HRESULT WINAPI Direct3DCreate9_VMTable (VOID);
    DWORD WINAPI VirtualMethodTableRepatchingLoopToCounterExtensionRepatching(LPVOID);
    PDWORD Direct3D_VMTable = NULL;
    BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstModule, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved)
    if(dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH)
    if(Direct3DCreate9_VMTable() == D3D_OK)
    return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
    HRESULT WINAPI Direct3DCreate9_VMTable(VOID)
    LPDIRECT3D9 Direct3D_Object = Direct3DCreate9(D3D_SDK_VERSION);
    if(Direct3D_Object == NULL)
    Direct3D_VMTable = (PDWORD)*(PDWORD)Direct3D_Object;
    DWORD dwProtect;
    if(VirtualProtect(&Direct3D_VMTable[16], sizeof(DWORD), PAGE_READWRITE, &dwProtect) != 0)
    *(PDWORD)&CreateDevice_Pointer = Direct3D_VMTable[16];
    *(PDWORD)&Direct3D_VMTable[16] = (DWORD)CreateDevice_Detour;
    if(VirtualProtect(&Direct3D_VMTable[16], sizeof(DWORD), dwProtect, &dwProtect) == 0)
    return D3D_OK;
    HRESULT GenerateTexture(IDirect3DDevice9 *pD3Ddev, IDirect3DTexture9 **ppD3Dtex, DWORD colour32)
    if( FAILED(pD3Ddev->CreateTexture(8, 8, 1, 0, D3DFMT_A4R4G4B4, D3DPOOL_MANAGED, ppD3Dtex, NULL)) )
    return E_FAIL;
    WORD colour16 = ((WORD)((colour32>>28)&0xF)<<12)
    D3DLOCKED_RECT d3dlr; 
    (*ppD3Dtex)->LockRect(0, &d3dlr, 0, 0);
    WORD *pDst16 = (WORD*)d3dlr.pBits;
    for(int xy=0; xy < 8*8; xy++)
    *pDst16++ = colour16;
    return S_OK;
    HRESULT WINAPI CreateDevice_Detour(LPDIRECT3D9 Direct3D_Object, UINT Adapter, D3DDEVTYPE DeviceType, HWND FocusWindow, 
    DWORD BehaviorFlags, D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS* PresentationParameters, 
    LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9* Returned_Device_Interface)
    HRESULT Returned_Result = CreateDevice_Pointer(Direct3D_Object, Adapter, DeviceType, FocusWindow, BehaviorFlags, 
    PresentationParameters, Returned_Device_Interface);
    DWORD dwProtect;
    if(VirtualProtect(&Direct3D_VMTable[16], sizeof(DWORD), PAGE_READWRITE, &dwProtect) != 0)
    *(PDWORD)&Direct3D_VMTable[16] = *(PDWORD)&CreateDevice_Pointer;
    CreateDevice_Pointer = NULL;
    if(VirtualProtect(&Direct3D_VMTable[16], sizeof(DWORD), dwProtect, &dwProtect) == 0)
    if(Returned_Result == D3D_OK)
    Direct3D_VMTable = (PDWORD)*(PDWORD)*Returned_Device_Interface;
    *(PDWORD)&Reset_Pointer = (DWORD)Direct3D_VMTable[16];
    *(PDWORD)&EndScene_Pointer = (DWORD)Direct3D_VMTable[42];
    *(PDWORD)&DrawIndexedPrimitive_Pointer = (DWORD)Direct3D_VMTable[82];
    if(CreateThread(NULL, 0, VirtualMethodTableRepatchingLoopToCounterExtensionRepatching, NULL, 0, NULL) == NULL)
    return Returned_Result;
    HRESULT WINAPI Reset_Detour(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 Device_Interface, D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS* PresentationParameters)
    return Reset_Pointer(Device_Interface, PresentationParameters);
    HRESULT WINAPI EndScene_Detour(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 Device_Interface)
    ScreenCenterX = (float)g_ViewPort.Width / 2;
    ScreenCenterY = (float)g_ViewPort.Height / 2;
    GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &Red, D3DCOLOR_ARGB (255,255,0 ,0 ));
    GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &Yellow, D3DCOLOR_ARGB (255,255,255,0 ));
    GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &Green, D3DCOLOR_ARGB (255,0 ,255,0 ));
    GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &Blue, D3DCOLOR_ARGB (255,0 ,0 ,255));
    GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &Purple, D3DCOLOR_ARGB (255,102,0 ,153));
    GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &Pink, D3DCOLOR_ARGB (255,255,20 ,147));
    GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &Orange, D3DCOLOR_ARGB (255,255,165,0 ));
    GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &Black, D3DCOLOR_ARGB (255,0 ,0 ,0 ));
    GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &White, D3DCOLOR_ARGB (255,255,255,255));
    if (Xhair)
    D3DRECT rec2 = {ScreenCenterX-8, ScreenCenterY, ScreenCenterX+8, ScreenCenterY+1};
    D3DRECT rec3 = {ScreenCenterX, ScreenCenterY-8, ScreenCenterX+1, ScreenCenterY+8};
    Device_Interface->Clear(1, &rec2, D3DCLEAR_TARGET,colRed, 0, 0);
    Device_Interface->Clear(1, &rec3, D3DCLEAR_TARGET,colRed, 0, 0);
    return EndScene_Pointer(Device_Interface);
    HRESULT WINAPI DrawIndexedPrimitive_Detour(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 Device_Interface, D3DPRIMITIVETYPE Type, INT BaseIndex, 
    UINT MinIndex, UINT NumVertices, UINT StartIndex, UINT PrimitiveCount)
    UINT Offset = 0;
    UINT Stride = 0;
    if(Device_Interface->GetStreamSource(0, &Stream_Data, &Offset, &Stride) == D3D_OK)
    if (Chams)
    if(m_Stride==40 &&
    (texnum==11800126)||// MULAN Left Boot
    (texnum==12100180)||// MULAN Hands
    (texnum==29900452)||// MULAN Legs
    (texnum==12400126)||// MULAN Right Boot
    (texnum==29500482)||// MULAN Chest
    (texnum==47400728)||// MULAN Head
    (texnum==16000174)||// MULAN Battle Suit Arms
    (texnum==11600128)||// MULAN Battle Suit Boots
    (texnum==39900532)||// MULAN Battle Suit Legs
    (texnum==40200580)||// MULAN Battle Suit Chest
    (texnum==34900580)||// Delta Force Head
    (texnum==36100604)||// Spetsnaz Head
    (texnum==38000658)||// Spetsnaz Legs
    (texnum==18300268)||// Spetsnaz Body
    (texnum==36200604)||// GIGN Head
    (texnum==21200306)||// GIGN Body
    (texnum==35500568)||// GSG9 Head
    (texnum==2200024)||// GSG9 Bangs
    (texnum==8800105)||// GSG9 Feet
    (texnum==36900650)||// GSG9 Legs
    (texnum==19600314)||// GSG9 Body
    (texnum==36700612)||// SAS Head
    (texnum==8500105)||// SAS Feet
    (texnum==37000650)||// SAS Legs
    (texnum==18000274)||// SAS Body
    (texnum==35300556)||// KSF Head
    (texnum==7500121)||// KSF Arms
    (texnum==9200115)||// KSF Feet
    (texnum==12400168)||// KSF Hands
    (texnum==30100522)||// KSF Legs
    (texnum==18700288)||// KSF Body
    (texnum==40900594)||// ARTC Head
    (texnum==11700190)||// ARTC Arms
    (texnum==9100118)||// ARTC Feet
    (texnum==12500170)||// ARTC Hands
    (texnum==37000634)||// ARTC Legs
    (texnum==41700516)||// ARTC Body
    (texnum==19400260)||// ROKMC Body
    (texnum==37900592)||// ROKMC Head
    (texnum==36500642)||// ROKMC Legs
    (texnum==44800776)||// SRG Head
    (texnum==15900200)||// SRG Left Arm
    (texnum==10500168)||// SRG Right Arm
    (texnum==80401016)||// SRG Body
    (texnum==10000121)||// SRG Feet
    (texnum==13200180)||// SRG Hands
    (texnum==33800534)||// SRG Leg
    (texnum==8300137)||// FORCE RECON Arms
    (texnum==7900105)||// FORCE RECON Feet
    (texnum==14200174)||// FORCE RECON Hands
    (texnum==27800462)||// FORCE RECON Legs
    (texnum==26300290)||// FORCE RECON Body
    (texnum==31600556)||// FORCE RECON Head
    (ForceRecon)|| // ForceRecon
    (texnum==16200200)||// MULAN Battle Cap
    (texnum==12000188)||// MULAN Boonie Hat
    (texnum==16700276)||// MULAN Helmet
    (texnum==10800198)||// MULAN Beret
    (texnum==51200728)||// MULAN Gas Mask
    (texnum==79000881)||// MULAN Clan BDU #1
    (texnum==900008)||// MULAN Clan BDU #2
    (texnum==61900800)||// MULAN Bulletproof Vest
    (texnum==10200170)||// MULAN Elbow Protector
    (texnum==12500102)||// MULAN Holster
    (texnum==7400098)||// MULAN Pouch
    (texnum==16700252)||// FORCE RECON Combat Helmet
    (texnum==16800254)||// FORCE RECON Clan T-Shirt 1
    (texnum==8500137)||// FORCE RECON Clan T-Shirt 2
    (texnum==10300170)||// FORCE RECON Red Beret
    (texnum==11900192)||// FORCE RECON Red Bandana
    (texnum==13500176)||// FORCE RECON Boonie Hat
    (texnum==10300170)||// FORCE RECON Beret
    (texnum==16700252)||// FORCE RECON Helmet
    (texnum==14400136)||// FORCE RECON Mid-Class Sunglasses
    (texnum==34100534)||// FORCE RECON Gas Mask
    (texnum==33500548)||// FORCE RECON Gas Mask 2
    (texnum==29800506)||// FORCE RECON Balaclava
    (texnum==86000778)||// FORCE RECON Clan BDU
    (texnum==64800710)||// FORCE RECON Bulletproof Vest
    (texnum==11300189)||// FORCE RECON Advanced Tattoo
    (texnum==14200174)||// FORCE RECON Tactical Gloves
    (texnum==8700090)||// FORCE RECON Holster
    (texnum==8400110)||// FORCE RECON Pouch
    (texnum==7300116)||// FORCE RECON Winter Earflaps
    (texnum==18500208)||// FORCE RECON Trooper Hat
    (texnum==43200354)||// FORCE RECON Night Vision Goggles
    (texnum==29900311)||// FORCE RECON Headset
    (texnum==10000153)||// FORCE RECON Winter Parka Sleeves
    (texnum==26600406)||// FORCE RECON Winter Parka Jacket
    (texnum==20300242)||// FORCE RECON Winter Parka Pockets/Hood
    (texnum==7700129)||// FORCE RECON Combat Liner Sleeves
    (texnum==25200294)||// FORCE RECON Combat Liner Jacket
    (texnum==11900187)||// FORCE RECON Combat Parka Sleeves
    (texnum==44700594)||// FORCE RECON Combat Parka Vest
    (texnum==12800108)||// FORCE RECON Combat Parka Jacket
    (texnum==15500214)||// FORCE RECON Winter Gloves
    (texnum==13200212)||// Delta Force Helmet
    (texnum==13200212)||// Delta Force Helmet 2
    (texnum==34700538)||// Delta Force Gas Mask
    (texnum==35200552)||// Delta Force Gas Mask 2
    (texnum==19500352)||// Delta Force Balaclava
    (texnum==84900778)||// Delta Force Clan BDU
    (texnum==27500442)||// Delta Force Body Armor
    (texnum==42800576)||// Delta Force Body Armor 2
    (texnum==52100658)||// Delta Force Tactical Vest
    (texnum==12200196)||// Spetsnaz Helmet
    (texnum==27100464)||// Spetsnaz Gas Mask
    (texnum==27100484)||// Spetsnaz Gas Mask 2
    (texnum==33600552)||// Spetsnaz Body Armor
    (texnum==44100646)||// Spetsnaz Tactical Vest
    (texnum==44900596)||// Spetsnaz Combat Parka Vest
    (texnum==17800292)||// GIGN Red Bandana
    (texnum==21300290)||// GIGN Helmet
    (texnum==2800036)||// GIGN Helmet Lens
    (texnum==35700558)||// GIGN Gas Mask
    (texnum==22100396)||// GIGN Balaclava
    (texnum==29700492)||// GIGN Body Armor
    (texnum==11200188)||// ROKMC Beret
    (texnum==12000194)||// ROKMC Helmet
    (texnum==29800450)||// ROKMC Gas Mask
    (texnum==31000470)||// ROKMC Gas Mask 2
    (texnum==27100394)||// ROKMC Body Armor
    (texnum==28700374)||// ROKMC X Harness
    (texnum==34700470)||// ROKMC X Harness
    (texnum==5100056)||// ROKMC Pouch
    (texnum==9900163)||// ROKMC Left Arm
    (texnum==18300163)||// ROKMC Right Arm
    (texnum==19000280)||// ROKMC Combat Liner Jacket
    (texnum==37700592)||// GSG9 Skull Mask
    (texnum==16400266)||// GSG9 Red Bandana
    (texnum==16200243)||// GSG9 Helmet
    (texnum==31900466)||// GSG9 Gas Mask
    (texnum==33200492)||// GSG9 Gas Mask 2
    (texnum==19300342)||// GSG9 Balaclava
    (texnum==83600752)||// GSG9 Clan BDU
    (texnum==33400477)||// GSG9 Body Armor
    (texnum==10500163)||// GSG9 Rolled Up Sleeves
    (texnum==38100666)||// GSG9 Tactical Knee Pads
    (texnum==11000100)||// GSG9 Water Canteen
    (texnum==18600210)||// GSG9 Trooper Hat
    (texnum==19000280)||// GSG9 Combat Liner Jacket
    (texnum==8500137)||// SAS Clan T-Shirt 1
    (texnum==16400248)||// SAS Clan T-Shirt 2
    (texnum==9600172)||// SAS Boonie Hat
    (texnum==14200236)||// SAS Helmet
    (texnum==37800552)||// SAS Gas Mask
    (texnum==7000070)||// SAS Water Canteen
    (texnum==28100486)||// SAS Balaclava
    (texnum==62400752)||// SAS Clan BDU
    (texnum==27900456)||// SAS Body Armor
    (texnum==45700654)||// SAS Tactical Vest
    (texnum==39800532)||// SAS Tactical Vest 2
    (texnum==9200100)||// SAS Holster
    (texnum==4800040)||// SAS Magazine Pouch
    (texnum==4000044)||// SAS Pouch
    (texnum==21000280)||// SAS Combat Liner Jacket
    (texnum==15800218)||// SAS Winter Gloves
    (texnum==6500110) ||// KSF Boonie Hat
    (texnum==8500137) ||// KSF Clan T-Shirt 1
    (texnum==16200246) ||// KSF Clan T-Shirt 2
    (texnum==12900208)||// KSF Helmet
    (texnum==29600448)||// KSF Gas Mask
    (texnum==30300460)||// KSF Gas Mask 2
    (texnum==31100398)||// KSF Sunglasses
    (texnum==84700776)||// KSF Clan BDU
    (texnum==600004)||// KSF Clan BDU Logo
    (texnum==36500606)||// KSF Body Armor
    (texnum==63100646)||// KSF Tactical Vest
    (texnum==19800163)||// KSF Rolled Up Sleeves
    (texnum==7000066)||// KSF Holster
    (texnum==20100240)||// KSF Winter Parka Pockets/Hood
    (texnum==20800278)||// KSF Combat Liner Jacket
    (texnum==44500592)||// KSF Combat Parka Vest
    (texnum==10400190)||// SRG Beret
    (texnum==9000146)||// SRG Clan T-Shirt 1
    (texnum==39400640)||// SRG Clan T-Shirt 2
    (texnum==23800294)||// SRG Deer Head
    (texnum==11600180)||// SRG NIJ IIIA Helmet
    (texnum==17100278)||// SRG Red Bandana
    (texnum==14600198)||// SRG Battle Cap
    (texnum==18200266)||// SRG Helmet
    (texnum==19100106)||// SRG Gas Mask
    (texnum==54300350)||// SRG Sunglasses
    (texnum==30800380)||// SRG Mid Class Sunglasses
    (texnum==79300995)||// SRG Clan BDU 1
    (texnum==13300138)||// SRG Clan BDU 2
    (texnum==300001)||// SRG Clan BDU 3
    (texnum==1200012)||// SRG Clan BDU Logo
    (texnum==10900110)||// SRG Bulletproof Vest
    (texnum==6200064)||// SRG Holster
    (texnum==22700250)||// SRG Pouch
    (texnum==56600611)||// SRG Combat Helmet
    (texnum==5800084)||// SRG Winter Earflaps
    (texnum==18700210)||// SRG Trooper Hat
    (texnum==23700288)||// SRG Winter Parka Pockets/Hood
    (texnum==38700602)||// SRG Combat Liner Jacket
    (texnum==47700604))// SRG Combat Parka Vest
    Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE);
    DrawIndexedPrimitive_Pointer(Device_Interface, Type, BaseIndex, MinIndex, NumVertices, StartIndex, PrimitiveCount);
    Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_TRUE);
    if (NumVertices == 213 && PrimitiveCount == 174) // M67 Grenade =============== //
    Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE);
    DrawIndexedPrimitive_Pointer(Device_Interface, Type, BaseIndex, MinIndex, NumVertices, StartIndex, PrimitiveCount);
    Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_TRUE);
    if (NumVertices == 158 && PrimitiveCount == 131) // Flashbang =============== //
    Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE);
    DrawIndexedPrimitive_Pointer(Device_Interface, Type, BaseIndex, MinIndex, NumVertices, StartIndex, PrimitiveCount);
    Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_TRUE);
    if (NumVertices == 171 && PrimitiveCount == 143) // Smoke Grenade =============== //
    Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE);
    DrawIndexedPrimitive_Pointer(Device_Interface, Type, BaseIndex, MinIndex, NumVertices, StartIndex, PrimitiveCount);
    Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_TRUE);
    if (NumVertices == 271 && PrimitiveCount == 257) // VX Grenade =============== //
    Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE);
    DrawIndexedPrimitive_Pointer(Device_Interface, Type, BaseIndex, MinIndex, NumVertices, StartIndex, PrimitiveCount);
    Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_TRUE);
    if (NumVertices == 338 && PrimitiveCount == 339) // RGD-5 Grenade =============== //
    Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE);
    DrawIndexedPrimitive_Pointer(Device_Interface, Type, BaseIndex, MinIndex, NumVertices, StartIndex, PrimitiveCount);
    Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_TRUE);
    return DrawIndexedPrimitive_Pointer(Device_Interface, Type, BaseIndex, MinIndex, NumVertices, StartIndex, PrimitiveCount);
    DWORD WINAPI VirtualMethodTableRepatchingLoopToCounterExtensionRepatching(LPVOID Param)
    *(PDWORD)&Direct3D_VMTable[42] = (DWORD)EndScene_Detour;
    *(PDWORD)&Direct3D_VMTable[82] = (DWORD)DrawIndexedPrimitive_Detour;
    *(PDWORD)&Direct3D_VMTable[16] = (DWORD)Reset_Detour;
    return 1;

    Last edited by devgames; 25th February 2011 at 10:31 AM.
    devgames is offline
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    Old 25th February 2011, 10:30 AM   #2
    Retired Administrator

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    learn_more has a huge epeen!learn_more has a huge epeen!learn_more has a huge epeen!learn_more has a huge epeen!learn_more has a huge epeen!learn_more has a huge epeen!learn_more has a huge epeen!learn_more has a huge epeen!learn_more has a huge epeen!learn_more has a huge epeen!learn_more has a huge epeen!
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    Last Achievements [HELP]Special Force Thai[HELP]Special Force Thai[HELP]Special Force Thai[HELP]Special Force Thai[HELP]Special Force Thai
    Award-Showcase [HELP]Special Force Thai
    maybe someone can make sense of what he is trying to say,
    but i certainly can't..
    learn_more is offline
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    Old 25th February 2011, 04:16 PM   #3
    The 0n3

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    afg is infamous around these partsafg is infamous around these partsafg is infamous around these partsafg is infamous around these partsafg is infamous around these partsafg is infamous around these partsafg is infamous around these partsafg is infamous around these partsafg is infamous around these partsafg is infamous around these partsafg is infamous around these parts
    Originally Posted by learn_more View Post
    maybe someone can make sense of what he is trying to say,
    but i certainly can't..
    I think i know what he is saying

    Basically He saying when he inject this code in Soldierfront GG kicks him out. I also know why because this detected.

    What u can do about it ? is to : use wddm hook not the best but works
    afg is offline
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    Old 26th February 2011, 01:55 PM   #4

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    Originally Posted by afg View Post
    I think i know what he is saying

    Basically He saying when he inject this code in Soldierfront GG kicks him out. I also know why because this detected.

    What u can do about it ? is to : use wddm hook not the best but works
    wddm hook is working and undetect in TSF

    but i can coding wireframe mode only

    i want to know SetTexture in WDDM Hook

    can you help me

    i detour SetTexture and it working

    but i dont have TextTure Color variable

    i cannot use CreateTextureFromFile FromMemory etc..
    because when i include d3d9.h or d3d9x.h
    C++ Compiler error morethan 400

    can you help me
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    Old 26th February 2011, 02:09 PM   #5
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    Originally Posted by fxbot View Post
    I sugest you first to take few weeks or months of english language lessons and once you will know to speak / write in english, start learning c++.Reading your words told me your cleary don't know what you are doing.
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    Old 26th February 2011, 03:12 PM   #6
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    afg is infamous around these partsafg is infamous around these partsafg is infamous around these partsafg is infamous around these partsafg is infamous around these partsafg is infamous around these partsafg is infamous around these partsafg is infamous around these partsafg is infamous around these partsafg is infamous around these partsafg is infamous around these parts
    Originally Posted by fxbot View Post
    wddm hook is working and undetect in TSF

    but i can coding wireframe mode only

    i want to know SetTexture in WDDM Hook

    can you help me

    i detour SetTexture and it working

    but i dont have TextTure Color variable

    i cannot use CreateTextureFromFile FromMemory etc..
    because when i include d3d9.h or d3d9x.h
    C++ Compiler error morethan 400

    can you help me
    Yea sure PM me ur msn or write it here
    afg is offline
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